#sbg ep 60
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awanderingcatharsis · 1 year ago
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prettyboy-juni · 1 year ago
Don't jinx it pleaseeeee
Asdfghjkl first Tyler now Aiden???? Who’s next, Ashlyn????
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rainbowangel110 · 1 year ago
I literally cannot wait to see @b3achysurfer's reaction to the new episode :) eheehe
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mizu0xox0 · 10 months ago
Aventurine x reader (School bus graveyard au) Basically Aventurine is Aiden while reader is Ashlyn except they're the only ones in the Phantom World. {Tw: sorta? spoilers for Ep 60-61 for SBG, Gorey descriptions, injuries, rubble and nightmares}
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You were searching through the cabinets and drawers for the keys to the supply whilst Aventurine stood on guard duty in case of any Phantoms that might attack you whilst searching the room. "Aventurine I hear one." You warn your boyfriend as for some reason only you could hear the strange noises these Phantoms were making. "Yeah can hear it's footsteps they really ought to be more sneaky! If they're planning to attack from the back." Aventurine says as stabs the Phantom straight in the eyes with his pocket knife. "I can still hear those Phantom noises check if there's any more of them." You say. Aventurine peered down the hallway to not find a single Phantom in sight. "That's odd I swear I can sti-" However before you could finish your sentence suddenly the building started to shake. You look up to see the ceiling was going to collapse, "AVENTURINE GET UNDER SOMETHING!" however it was too late as while you managed to get under a table Aventurine wasn't so lucky. Displayed in front of you was Aventurine covered in rubble but you still managed to pull his body out of it.
You cradled his bloodied face in your arms, there was a clear wound at the side of his face. However as you looked down only to find Aventurine with his eyes protruding out of his sockets and red veins bulging from their place. His haggard gaze fixated upon your figure, it looked almost as if he forgot to blink. With a cheshire like grin displaying all his whites with blood splotches near his mouth from his wounds. He looked more like those Phantoms rather than your beloved.
Immediately you awoke, you weren't sure how or why it was possible considering the fact the Phantom world was a 7 hour cycle that occurred at midnight and you would be asleep in the human world. The first thing you did was check on Aventurine who was beside you, his breathing was unsteady and rather heavy. "D-dont need hospital. S-stay here with m-me." Aventurines voice sounded distorted almost like those Phantom noises however you wrapped your arms around him as he laid against you. Aventurine coughed a little before he looked up at you, looking like your beloved instead of the nightmarish image you saw in the Phantom World. "Hey look at me. I'm alright in this world, look no bleeding whatsoever. After all I never take gambles that I don't win." Aventurine says however he is met with a tight and firm hug from you. Shit Aventurine never realized that you were sobbing up until now. Aventurine wrapped his arms around your sobbing and trembling figure, he hated seeing how much you were shaking even though the adrenaline from the Phantom World felt good every once in a while it wouldn't pay off if he had to see you shake every time.
It took a while but Aventurine managed to calm you down and usually it was difficult to get sleep after the Phantom World ordeal so you were downstairs in the kitchen preparing some food as late night supper for the two of you. Aventurine laid on the bed as he thought about what went down. Aventurine couldn't stop thinking about what he had felt or even saw in the moment he was in your arms after you had gotten him out from under the rubble. The fear in your eyes as you were staring at him, he wasn't sure if it was because of his injuries or something else but he knew what had occurred today was too much for you to handle. He should be more careful with his gambles after all he now had someone important to hold him everyday and every time after he had awoken from the horrors of the Phantom World that the both of you had experienced together you were there for him. Maybe just this once he could be selfish as Kakavasha not as Aventurine. "Venturine! Foods ready." You say as Aventurine made his way downstairs however something caught his eye. His own reflection in the mirror was off. That wasn't him, that was the him who you had held in your arms in the Phantom World.
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Ty for reading! As you can tell the School Bus Graveyard brainrot got to me thus I wrote this and also because I won my 3rd 50/50 in a row and got Aventurine!!! Now I will gamble for his lightcone if I can. Aventurines lightcone please come home. Also good luck on your Aventurine pulls if you're pulling for him!!
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hillcountrytimes · 7 years ago
Staley Capital Advisers Trimmed Philip Morris Intl. (PM) Position By $415,233; Lord Abbett & Company Trimmed Texas Instrs Com (TXN) Stake
Staley Capital Advisers Inc decreased Philip Morris Intl. (PM) stake by 1.64% reported in 2017Q2 SEC filing. Staley Capital Advisers Inc sold 3,549 shares as Philip Morris Intl. (PM)’s stock rose 10.69%. The Staley Capital Advisers Inc holds 212,626 shares with $24.97 million value, down from 216,175 last quarter. Philip Morris Intl. now has $162.40B valuation. The stock increased 0.82% or $0.85 during the last trading session, reaching $104.56. About 1.06 million shares traded. Philip Morris International Inc. (NYSE:PM) has risen 16.65% since December 4, 2016 and is uptrending. It has underperformed by 0.05% the S&P500.
Lord Abbett & Company decreased Texas Instrs Inc Com (TXN) stake by 1.12% reported in 2017Q2 SEC filing. Lord Abbett & Company sold 4,800 shares as Texas Instrs Inc Com (TXN)’s stock rose 5.05%. The Lord Abbett & Company holds 424,100 shares with $32.63 million value, down from 428,900 last quarter. Texas Instrs Inc Com now has $94.93 billion valuation. The stock decreased 0.88% or $0.86 during the last trading session, reaching $96.32. About 1.01M shares traded. Texas Instruments Incorporated (NASDAQ:TXN) has risen 40.31% since December 4, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 23.61% the S&P500.
Investors sentiment decreased to 1.1 in 2017 Q2. Its down 0.06, from 1.16 in 2017Q1. It dropped, as 43 investors sold TXN shares while 349 reduced holdings. 106 funds opened positions while 324 raised stakes. 778.17 million shares or 5.60% less from 824.35 million shares in 2017Q1 were reported. Roof Eidam Maycock Adv has invested 0.15% in Texas Instruments Incorporated (NASDAQ:TXN). Nelson Van Denburg Campbell Wealth Management Group Ltd Liability Co holds 0% of its portfolio in Texas Instruments Incorporated (NASDAQ:TXN) for 91 shares. Grandfield And Dodd Limited Com invested in 3,373 shares. Boston Private Wealth Limited Liability Corp accumulated 21,334 shares or 0.06% of the stock. Moors & Cabot invested in 6,429 shares. Hillsdale Investment Inc has 0.06% invested in Texas Instruments Incorporated (NASDAQ:TXN) for 3,690 shares. Ubs Asset Mngmt Americas has invested 0% in Texas Instruments Incorporated (NASDAQ:TXN). Lmr Limited Liability Partnership has invested 0.07% in Texas Instruments Incorporated (NASDAQ:TXN). Karpas Strategies Lc reported 1.66% in Texas Instruments Incorporated (NASDAQ:TXN). State Common Retirement Fund stated it has 0.28% in Texas Instruments Incorporated (NASDAQ:TXN). Mackenzie Corporation invested 0% of its portfolio in Texas Instruments Incorporated (NASDAQ:TXN). Boston invested in 0.45% or 4.58M shares. Oakworth Capital stated it has 1,871 shares. Natl Bank Of Hawaii reported 31,911 shares. Atria Invests Limited Liability Company, a North Carolina-based fund reported 20,293 shares.
Analysts await Texas Instruments Incorporated (NASDAQ:TXN) to report earnings on January, 23. They expect $1.08 earnings per share, up 22.73% or $0.20 from last year’s $0.88 per share. TXN’s profit will be $1.06 billion for 22.30 P/E if the $1.08 EPS becomes a reality. After $1.26 actual earnings per share reported by Texas Instruments Incorporated for the previous quarter, Wall Street now forecasts -14.29% negative EPS growth.
Among 37 analysts covering Texas Instruments (NASDAQ:TXN), 18 have Buy rating, 2 Sell and 17 Hold. Therefore 49% are positive. Texas Instruments had 91 analyst reports since July 24, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. The firm has “Positive” rating given on Wednesday, December 21 by Susquehanna. The stock has “Equal-Weight” rating by Barclays Capital on Wednesday, October 18. The firm has “Hold” rating by Mizuho given on Tuesday, July 25. On Thursday, April 28 the stock rating was maintained by B. Riley & Co with “Neutral”. The firm earned “Neutral” rating on Wednesday, October 25 by Robert W. Baird. Credit Suisse maintained Texas Instruments Incorporated (NASDAQ:TXN) rating on Wednesday, October 25. Credit Suisse has “Outperform” rating and $110 target. BNP Paribas upgraded Texas Instruments Incorporated (NASDAQ:TXN) on Thursday, August 4 to “Neutral” rating. The stock has “Market Perform” rating by Cowen & Co on Thursday, April 28. The firm has “Mkt Perform” rating by FBR Capital given on Thursday, October 22. RBC Capital Markets initiated it with “Outperform” rating and $60 target in Monday, August 3 report.
Lord Abbett & Company increased Schwab Charles Corp New Com (NYSE:SCHW) stake by 404,275 shares to 1.73M valued at $74.23 million in 2017Q2. It also upped Portland Gen Elec Co Com New (NYSE:POR) stake by 42,252 shares and now owns 1.58M shares. Vertex Pharmaceuticals Inc Com (NASDAQ:VRTX) was raised too.
Staley Capital Advisers Inc increased Ishares S&P Small (IJR) stake by 8,746 shares to 16,436 valued at $1.15M in 2017Q2. It also upped Pepsico Inc (NYSE:PEP) stake by 8,824 shares and now owns 13,109 shares. Chevron Corp (NYSE:CVX) was raised too.
Among 19 analysts covering Philip Morris International (NYSE:PM), 12 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 7 Hold. Therefore 63% are positive. Philip Morris International had 47 analyst reports since August 24, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. The rating was upgraded by Societe Generale on Thursday, April 21 to “Hold”. The company was maintained on Thursday, October 12 by Jefferies. The company was upgraded on Friday, June 17 by JP Morgan. The stock of Philip Morris International Inc. (NYSE:PM) has “Buy” rating given on Thursday, July 20 by Cowen & Co. As per Wednesday, July 20, the company rating was upgraded by SBG Securities. The stock of Philip Morris International Inc. (NYSE:PM) has “Buy” rating given on Thursday, March 24 by Bank of America. Cowen & Co maintained the stock with “Buy” rating in Friday, October 20 report. The rating was upgraded by Goldman Sachs on Monday, September 12 to “Buy”. JP Morgan maintained it with “Neutral” rating and $98 target in Tuesday, April 19 report. Citigroup maintained Philip Morris International Inc. (NYSE:PM) rating on Friday, October 20. Citigroup has “Neutral” rating and $117 target.
Investors sentiment decreased to 0.88 in 2017 Q2. Its down 0.03, from 0.91 in 2017Q1. It is negative, as 53 investors sold PM shares while 558 reduced holdings. 118 funds opened positions while 421 raised stakes. 1.10 billion shares or 0.43% less from 1.10 billion shares in 2017Q1 were reported. Carroll Fincl Assoc Inc reported 32,461 shares or 0.46% of all its holdings. Natl Asset reported 0.3% of its portfolio in Philip Morris International Inc. (NYSE:PM). Pure Financial Advsr holds 4,008 shares or 0.13% of its portfolio. The Florida-based Thomas J Herzfeld Advsr has invested 0% in Philip Morris International Inc. (NYSE:PM). Mirae Asset Investments Limited reported 0.16% of its portfolio in Philip Morris International Inc. (NYSE:PM). 17,097 were accumulated by Lombard Odier Asset Mgmt (Europe) Ltd. Lee Danner & Bass Incorporated stated it has 74,250 shares or 0.98% of all its holdings. Grantham Mayo Van Otterloo And has 2.17% invested in Philip Morris International Inc. (NYSE:PM) for 3.34M shares. Conning holds 0.91% of its portfolio in Philip Morris International Inc. (NYSE:PM) for 213,144 shares. Utd Asset Strategies Inc holds 0.1% of its portfolio in Philip Morris International Inc. (NYSE:PM) for 2,734 shares. Parkwood Ltd Llc has 0.05% invested in Philip Morris International Inc. (NYSE:PM). Thrivent Fincl For Lutherans holds 0.13% in Philip Morris International Inc. (NYSE:PM) or 262,712 shares. The Texas-based Salient Cap Limited Liability Corp has invested 0.16% in Philip Morris International Inc. (NYSE:PM). Peapack Gladstone Fincl Corporation holds 59,682 shares or 0% of its portfolio. First Manhattan, a New York-based fund reported 1.60 million shares.
Analysts await Philip Morris International Inc. (NYSE:PM) to report earnings on February, 1. They expect $1.37 EPS, up 24.55% or $0.27 from last year’s $1.1 per share. PM’s profit will be $2.13B for 19.08 P/E if the $1.37 EPS becomes a reality. After $1.27 actual EPS reported by Philip Morris International Inc. for the previous quarter, Wall Street now forecasts 7.87% EPS growth.
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from Stock Market News | HillCountryTimes | Get it Today https://www.hillcountrytimes.com/2017/12/04/staley-capital-advisers-trimmed-philip-morris-intl-pm-position-by-415233-lord-abbett-company-trimmed-texas-instrs-com-txn-stake/
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awanderingcatharsis · 1 year ago
the sbg fandom is gonna lose its shit in a few weeks
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prettyboy-juni · 1 year ago
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